Bringing Health To You, Naturally!
effective 1st April, 2020
To give a realistic idea of the costs involved, the average first consultation (which usually comprises the consultation, 2 weeks worth of Herbal tincture and Bach Flower Remedies), will cost around £86.
Subsequent follow-up consultations, with the same combination of remedies, will usually cost between £61 and £ 80 respectively for 2 week and 4 week amounts. Other costs will incur if other remedies are required.
New for 2014.....Consultations via Skype!
I am now offering consultations via Skype. Please contact me for more information or if you would like to make an appointment.
Standard Fees
(Prices as of 1st September 2017 until further notice....Please check The Green Man's Herbal Basket for details of Gift Vouchers for Services and Treatment)
Initial Consultation (up to 2 hours)
Follow-Up Consultations (up to 1 hour)
Herbal Medicines
Tincture (per 200 ml bottle)
Mixed Dried Herbs (2 week amount)
Single Herbs (individually priced)
Individually priced mixed herbs start
Bach Flower Remedies 20ml bottle
Capsules per 60
Capsules acute pre-blended (individually priced)
Creams/Ointments acute-blended (30ml,60,120ml individually priced)
Syrups 100ml (individually priced)
from £2.25
start at £ 3.95
start at £3.45
There is a selection of other acute remedies available after a short consultaion that are individually priced. Bespoke remedies can also be made where an exisiting remedy is not suitable.