Bringing Health To You, Naturally!
Dealing with the changes
To all of you who follow The Green Man Herbal Apothecary
I would like to appologise for the lack of postings over the last couple of years since Vista introduced some changes. Subsequently, I have found my website unusable, and endless contact with Vista has not resolved this. They have also messed up another website I have, which still needs more work to bring it back into full function. Sadly, given that I am very busy at the Apothecary, it is not easy to find the endless hours it seems are required to overcome the obsticles that have been put in place since someone decided to change from a perfectly user friendly system to the one they have decided to move to. I shall work on to overcome the obsticles and start regular posts once again. In the meantime, those of you who have just found me for the first time, I home you enjoy scrolling through the old posts. The website still continues to be a means of contacting me.
Bye for now
Jeremy (aka The Green Man)
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Welcome! Friends Of
The Green Man
The Green Man Herbal Apothecary offers a natural, alternative, treatment in the tradition of the Western Herbalist.
The treatment employs a holistic approach that takes the time to listen to patients and investigate thoroughly all aspects that make up the human condition (diet, lifestyle, emotional etc.).
I acknowledge dis-ease as being a unique and individual expression, that is best treated by balancing these aspects and resolving the underlying cause, where possible, rather than merely suppressing or controlling the symptoms.
The treatment is achieved through the application from a range of about 120, mostly, western herbs, considering, not only their biochemical constituents, but their nature, temperament and character in respect of the individual patient and in keeping with the Doctrine of Signatures.
Herbs are administered in the form of tinctures, teas, capsules, creams, ointments, powders etc.
Bach Flower Remedies may be required to balance emotional blocks, while the impact of dietary and lifestyle habits will also be reviewed.